MineMod’s development began in 2009 as an extension of our specialized monitoring database software, EMMA.
“Initially, MineMod was a simple water mixing model that calculated water balance and quality,” says Harry Gaebler, Environmental Modeller at Ecometrix. “Step by step, the development team integrated hydrodynamic models, expanded the water balance to additional features other than water bodies, added components specific to mine operations, pre-operation, and post-operation, and added time-varied input data to simulate the full lifecycle of a mine.”
In 2019, the team decided to integrate Monte Carlo simulations with probabilistic inputs and the waste rock pile acidity model. Plus, as new members with different scientific backgrounds and perspectives have joined our development team, they’ve shaped the tool, creating a culture of continual improvement.
For example, in 2022, as part of that continuous improvement, the team overhauled the software, updating and adding new features, including water and chemical balance updates, improved calculation efficiency, and UI improvements. Those improvements are set to continue throughout 2024 with plans to add new extensions including treatment options and reaction kinetics.
A mode for every mine
Another new addition to the 2023 version is the fact it now has three different modes that allow varying levels of access. Where the Developer Mode provides full, unrestricted access to the software, Operator Mode allows MineMod to be operated by clients on-site, but with imposed restrictions. You also have Viewer Mode, where clients and regulators can simply explore the tool.
“MineMod is an object-oriented software package,” Harry continues. “That means a user can create a model of pre-defined mining components such as waste rock piles, open pits, tailing ponds, pumping pipes, and link them all together by simply connecting the components on screen. Not only does this make the software easier to use, but MineMod has an interactive interface that allows the user to visually represent the site.”
The principal purpose of all this coming together is to optimize and improve the planning process. It helps managers address specific questions and concerns throughout all stages of a mine’s life, and allows them to proactively communicate with investors, regulators, First Nations, and stakeholders about how alternative development scenarios, operational decisions, and closure scenarios interact with the environment.

A solution founded on simplicity
Ease of use is integral to MineMod’s point of difference. “The biggest way MineMod differs from other mine simulation software is its interactive graphic interface,” Harry says. “Rather than displaying complicated flow network diagrams that may be sorted into larger bins, MineMod displays the entire site.
Not only that, but the user can also graphically represent the site by creating different features such as waste rock piles and open pits directly on a base map where the site is located. This really allows the user to virtually explore the site and see what components are included in the model.”
Inspired by our innovative approach
At Ecometrix, we use Environmental Intelligence™ and its four principles of Thought, Application, Solution, and Communication (TASC) to deliver results to clients and steer our work in the right direction. That approach has also influenced the conception and development of MineMod.
“The most important thing for managers to know is that MineMod is a powerful multi-purpose tool that can help them achieve their site objectives,” Harry says. “Not only does MineMod utilize advanced scientific theory and methods to inform operators about water quantity and quality on their site, but MineMod can also be used to transparently communicate how different operational changes and closure options interact with the environment to both specialized and non-specialized audiences.”
Discover more mining applications
Read how Ecometrix is using reactive transport modelling to represent processes in mine waste and empower its clients, and meet Carman Stevens, our Senior Mine Closure Specialist.